How to Add Bonuses in GrooveAffiliate
Quick tutorial on how to add a bonus page inside a GrooveAffiliate
How to Give a Sign Up Bonus
If you joined a GrooveFunnels affiliate program and wanted to give people bonus gifts for signing up under your link, here’s how you do it.
Set up your bonus pages inside of GroovePages. In this example, a bonus page has been set up for people who signed up for the free group funnels account and if they upgrade, they also get GrooveFunnels lifetime bonuses from you as well.
Once you created these bonus pages, remember the URL of your bonuses because you will need it later on.
Let’s head back into GrooveFunnels and create a new bonus:
- Exit out of GroovePages then select GrooveAffiliate.
- You’ll find bonuses under “Promos” then click on bonuses.
- Click on “New bonus” over in the top right-hand corner. Assign it a name.
- Go back to your free GrooveFunnels bonuses page.
- Copy the URL, paste it, and then click “Create”.
How to Create a Bonus for Upgrading to GrooveFunnel’s Lifetime
Let’s create another bonus for those who want to upgrade to GrooveFunnel’s lifetime.
- Click on the ‘New bonus’ button again and we’ll name this lifetime GrooveFunnels bonuses.
- Go back to My Lifetime Bonuses page. Grab the URL and then paste it in.
- Select “Create” once you created your bonuses, head back to promos.
- Select the present icon and it will say ‘affiliate bonuses’
- Designate which bonuses you would like to give people depending on what they signed up for.
For example, if someone signed up for the free GrooveSell account, we can click on the drop-down. They can get the free GrooveFunnels bonuses page and for people who upgraded to GrooveFunnels lifetime. It doesn’t matter whether it’s 3, 12, or 6 easy payments. We want to give them the GrooveFunnels lifetime bonuses page.
You can go ahead and nominate which bonuses page you want to give people access to. One thing to note is that when you’re designing your bonus pages, just give them instructions on how they can claim their bonuses.
Get your FREE account here today!!!
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